Data per share

The table shows data per share for the past five years as well as accumulated figures for the current year.
Q1 2024




Profit for the period, SEK -1.96 -9.53 3.57 14.61 -7.13
Dividend, SEK   2.70 2.70 2.60 2.50
Dividend proportion, %   61 62 58 61
Equity, SEK 137.64 142.30 154.53 153.56 141.45
Properties, fair value, SEK 228.53 231.05 244.91 241.17 225.58
Cash flow from current operations, SEK 0.84 6.85 5.06 4.91 5.23
Cash flow for the period, SEK -0.16 -0.35 -3.60 1.97 -4.50
Long-term net asset value, SEK (EPRA NRV) 180 185 201 199 184
Share price, series A, at the period-end, SEK 130.00 142.10 148.30 135.20 136.20
P/E-ratio, multiple   -14.9 41.5 9.3 -19.1
Yield, %   1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8


Åsa Roslund

CFO and Head of Finance

+46 8 762 90 25

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Anders Nygren

President and CEO

+46 8 762 90 00

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