- Net revenue from property management was SEK 1,783 million (1,724), an increase of 3 per cent. Elimination of intra-Group rent revenue amounted to SEK 153 million (44), attributable primarily to NK Retail.
- Gross profit from property management increased by 2 per cent, totalling SEK 1,221 million (1,194), which is attributable primarily to higher rent revenue. Elimination of intra-Group rent revenue amounted to SEK 153 million (44).
- The net profit for the year was SEK 2,955 million (-1,462), equivalent to SEK 14.61 per share (-7.13). The increase is attributable to positive unrealised changes in value in the property holdings.
- The Board proposes an increase in dividend to SEK 2.60 per share (2.50).
- The fair value of the property holdings was SEK 48.8 billion (45.6), resulting in net tangible assets (EPRA NTA) of SEK 188 per share (173). Unrealised changes in the value of the property holdings amounted to SEK 2,579 million (-2,930) for the year.
- The equity ratio was 61 per cent (60), the net loan-to-value ratio was 18 per cent (19), and the interest coverage ratio multiple was 9.3 (9.1).
- The rental vacancy rate at the end of the period was 7.3 per cent (8.2). Excluding current development projects, the rental vacancy rate was 5.9 per cent (6.7).
Stockholm, February 17, 2022
The Board
Questions can be answered by Anders Nygren, President, or Åsa Roslund, Vice President and CFO, telephone +46 (0)8 762 90 00.
The information in this Interim Report is information that Hufvudstaden AB (publ) is obliged to publish under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was published under the auspices of the above contact person on February 17, 2022 at 11:45am.
Year-End Report 2021Pressrelease Year-End Report 2021