Balance sheets per year - Group

SEK m 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Fixed assets          
Intangible fixed assets 94.5 89.3 96.7 110.0 70.5
Investment properties 46,742.8 49,546.9 48,789.6 45,636.5 47,680.6
Tangible fixed assets 66.3 51.0 25.9 25.9 10.0
Right-of-use assets 727.9 711.0 715.4 716.6 760.0
Non-current receivables 22.7 25.1 24.9 21.0 20.6
Total fixed assets 47,654.2 50,423.3 49,652.5 46,510.0 48,541.7
Current assets          
Inventories 255.2 220.8 154.7
Current receivables          
Accounts receivable 24.7 31.8 26.9 36.6 12.2
Prepaid tax  0.3 0.3
Other receivables 19.0 4.5 6.0 15.5 2.8
Prepaid expense and accrued income 108.1 102.0 76.4 51.1 78.8
Cash and bank holdings 382.4 453.0 1,182.0 783.6 1,706.1
Total current assets 789.4 812.1  1,446.3 887.1 1,799.9
TOTAL ASSETS 48,443.6 51,235.4 51,098.8 47,397.1 50,341.6
Share capital 1,056.4 1,056.4 1,056.4  1,056.4 1,056.4
Other contributed capital 628.1 628.1 628.1  628.1 628.1
Profit brought forward,
including profit for the year
27,104.1 29,577.5 29,381.5  26,932.0 29,698.2
Total equity 28,788.6 31,262.0 31,066.0  28,616.5 31,382.7
Non-current liabilities          
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 7,300.0 6,500.0 7,000.0  6,200.0 6,700.0
Deferred tax liabilities 8,574.8 9,253.2 9,162.1  8,501.5 8,972.3
Non-current lease liabilities 721.0 702.8 706.9  709.6 719.0
Other non-current liabilities 99.7 104.0 87.7  84.3 61.0
Other provisions 28.7 31.7 31.9  26.2 25.7
Total non-current liabilities 16,724.2 16,591.7 16,988.6  15,521.6 16,478.0
Current liabilities          
Current interest-bearing liabilities 2,100.0 2,500.0 2,200.0  2,450.0 1,650.0
Current lease liabilities 8.0 9.0 9.4  10.2 41.4
Accounts payable 249.3 243.5 236.7  165.0 126.0
Income tax liability 15.1 27.3 –  14.0
Other liabilities 98.6 79.4 140.0  92.4 105.5
Accrued expenses and
prepaid income
459.8 522.5 458.1  541.4 544.0
Total current liabilities 2,930.8 3,381.7 3,044.2  3,259.0 2,480.9
Total liabilities 19,655.0 19,973.4 20,032.8  18,780.6 18,958.9
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 48,443.6 51,235.4 51,098.8  47,397.1 50,341.6