Cash flow statements per year - Group

SEK m 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Current operations          
Profit before tax -2,535.2 904.3 3,726.1 -1,833.2 3,968.0
Depreciation and impairment of assets 52.8 53.4 38.9 78.6 52.8
Items affecting comparability -187.8 - - - -
Unrealized change in value, investment properties 4,042.4 209.1 -2,579.3 2,929.9 -2,726.9
Unrealized change in value, interest derivatives -3.7
Other changes -2.4 -0.4 5.3 0.5 6.0
Income tax paid -70.4 -91.2 -110.3 -99.3 -138.0
Cash flow from current operations before changes in working capital 1,299.4 1,075.2 1,080.7 1,076.5 1,158.2
Cash flow from changes in working capital          
Decrease (+) / Increase (–) in inventories -38.2 -69.9 -93.5
Decrease (+) / Increase (–) in operating receivables -9.6 -35.2 -4.5 -36.8 72.1
Decrease (-) / Increase (+) in operating liabilities 133.7 54.2 11.6 32.5 136.8
Cash flow from current operations 1,385.3 1,024.3 994.3 1,072.2 1,367.1
Acquisition of business -39.8
Investment in intangible fixed assets -30.8 -15.7 -8.9 -43.2 -58.6
Investment in properties -1,238.3 -966.3 -573.8 -885.9 -865.2
Investment in equipment -32.6 -35.9 -6.6 -19.8 -4.4
Disposal of equipment 0.7 0.1 0.8
Cash flow from investments -1,301.0 -1,017.8 -628.3 -948.9 -928.2
Loan raised 5,200.0 2,800.0 4,250.0 3,450.0 5,350.0
Amortization of loans -4,800.0 -3,000.0 -3,700.0 -3,150.0 -4,350.0
Amortization of lease liabilities -8.7 -9.5 -11.8 -41.4 -40.3
Dividend paid -546.2 -526.0 -505.8 -804.4 -763.2
Repurchase of own shares -500.0
Cash flow from financing activities -154.9 -735.5 32.4 -1,045.8 196.5
Cash flow for the year -70.6 -729.0 398.4 -922.5 635.4
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 453.0 1,182.0 783.6 1,706.1 1,070.7
Cash and cash equivalents at the year-end 382.4 453.0 1,182.0 783.6 1,706.1
Supplementary disclosures, cash flow statement          
Interest received 10.7 2.2 0.3 0.7 0.8
Interest paid -289.4 -141.6 -115.9 -125.2 -116.8