There has been strong growth in the market for flexible, shared offices in recent years. Many companies are saying they would rather buy a service package than office space and would prefer to be part of a professional network, which increases job satisfaction and can be beneficial to their businesses.
“We have seen a change in customer needs in recent years, with growing interest in coworking. Two of Hufvudstaden’s strengths – owning properties in city centre locations and providing first-class, personal service to our tenants – are also the foundation of an attractive coworking concept. Our aim with Cecil Coworking is to create an offering that gives the members optimal conditions for success,” says Anders Nygren, Head of the Stockholm Business Area, Hufvudstaden.
The first Cecil Coworking will open in Bibliotekstan in Stockholm and its name was taken from the history of the district. Cecil was already a well-known meeting place in Stockholm a hundred years ago, then as a restaurant and nightclub, now reborn as a modern workplace that will make its members working lives more inspiring and productive.
“Connecting to local history by naming our co-working concept Cecil is tremendous fun. Hufvudstaden already owned the property at Biblioteksgatan 5 back when the Cecil restaurant opened in 1917. Now we are giving Cecil a new life just a stone’s throw away at the corner of Smålandsgatan and Norrlandsgatan. In so doing, we are bringing even more energy, creativity and liveliness to Bibliotekstan,” says Nygren.
Cecil Coworking complements Hufvudstaden’s other offerings of traditional offices and the REDO concept, which provides turnkey offices that are not shared. This allows the company to match its offerings to a myriad of customer needs and preferences, such as for more flexibility, short-term or long-term leases and larger or smaller spaces.
About the future home of Cecil:
The property at the corner of Smålandsgatan and Norrlandsgatan, built in 1984 and is currently undergoing total refurbishment. Cecil Coworking will be moving into the first and second floors, with the entrance via Norrlandsgatan 10. During the refurbishment, one of the courtyards was glazed and this will be the heart of Cecil, a lounge with high ceilings and a welcoming atmosphere.
For more information, please contact:
Anna Gustafsson, Acting Press Officer, Hufvudstaden,
Tel: +46 707107412, anna.gustafsson@hufvudstaden.se