The most satisfied office tenants in the industry are to be found at Hufvudstaden. Once again Hufvudstaden came out top in the Fastighetsbarometern survey, which each year highlights the needs, wishes and opinions of office tenants.
From a customer focus perspective, the annual Fastighetsbarometern Customer Satisfaction Survey is an important yardstick. This year, Hufvudstaden came out top in the Large Cap category with a score of 84 out of 100. The average score for the industry as a whole was 75. Hufvudstaden had the highest score for location, contact person, fault notification, information and image.
“We regard our position in the survey as evidence of a strong, sound corporate culture and a working approach characterised by steadfast commitment to the customer. Ensuring the customer is in focus is and always has been our recipe for success. It is extremely pleasing to once again emerge the winner among the Large Cap companies,” says Bo Wikare, acting president of Hufvudstaden.
Quality and long-term customer relations are important cornerstones of the company’s business concept. At Hufvudstaden we are working constantly to enhance the level of service and develop customer service to help our tenants reach new levels of success in our properties.
“We are extremely proud of the result, and we regard it as confirmation that we are following the right path in our ongoing endeavour to develop and in doing so understand and address the needs of our customers,” says Bo Wikare, acting president of Hufvudstaden.
Stockholm, October 17, 2019
Bo Wikare
Acting President
Fact file: The organisations behind Fastighetsbarometern are the Swedish Property Federation and the consulting company CFI Group. Further details about Fastighetsbarometern are available at www.cfigroup.se.
For more information, please contact:
Louise Kihlberg, Head of Marketing, Hufvudstaden, phone +46 (0)8-762 90 00
Anders Nygren, Head of the Stockholm Business Area, Hufvudstaden, phone +46 (0)8-762 90 00
Hufvudstaden owns properties and leases office and retail premises in central Stockholm and central Gothenburg. The holdings comprise some 30 properties with rentable floor space of around 385,000 square metres. The market value of the property holdings is approximately SEK 46 billion. The company has around 130 employees. www.hufvudstaden.se