Two share series
Series A shares carry one vote per share and series C shares carry 100 votes per share. There is no limit on how many votes each shareholder can submit at a general meeting. The series A shares were listed on what was then the Stockholm Fondbörs (Stock Exchange) in 1938 and are now quoted on the large cap list of Nasdaq Stockholm. The series C shares were listed in 1998 and delisted in late January 2020 at the request of Nasdaq Stockholm.
The number of outstanding shares amounts to 202,306,933, of which 194,036,209 constitute A shares and 8,270,724 are C shares. In addition, Hufvudstaden holds 8,965,000 A shares. The buy-backs were completed in 2003 and 2020 .
In total, 46 million shares were traded on Nasdaq Stockholm during the year, equivalent to 23 per cent (22) of total shares outstanding.
Conversion provision
According to a decision taken at the Annual General Meeting in 2001, what is known as a conversion provision has been included in the Articles of Association. This means that the holders of series C shares are entitled, if they wish, to request conversion of their series C shares into series A shares.