- Gross profit from property management rose by 2 per cent to SEK 350 million (343). The increase can be attributed mainly to higher rental revenue.
- Net revenue from property management amounted to SEK 482 million (472), an increase of 2 per cent.
- Net income for the period was SEK -499 million (500), equivalent to SEK -2.42 per share (2.42). The decrease can be attributed to negative unrealized changes in the value of the property holdings.
- The fair value of the property holdings was SEK 47.0 billion (47.7 at the turn of the year), resulting in a net asset value of SEK 178 per share (185 at the turn of the year) following payment of a dividend of SEK 3.90 per share. The unrealized change in the value of the property holdings for the period was SEK -929 million (332).
- The equity ratio was 62 per cent (62), the net loan-to-value ratio was 18 per cent (17), and the interest coverage ratio multiple was 10.8 (11.8).
- The rental vacancy level at the period-end was 6.3 per cent (6.2). Excluding current development projects, the rental vacancy level was 2.7 per cent (2.3).
Stockholm, May 7, 2020
Bo Wikare
Acting President
Appendix: Interim Report January – March 2020
Questions can be answered by Bo Wikare, Acting President, or Åsa Roslund, CFO, telephone +46 (0)8-762 90 00.
Interim Report January–March 2020
Pressrelease Interim Report Q1 2020