- Profit after tax for the period was SEK 1,221 million (789), equivalent to SEK 5.92 per share (3.83). The increase is due to higher unrealized changes in value of the property holdings.
- Gross profit from property management decreased by 3 per cent and amounted to SEK 553 million (572), which can be attributed largely to the increased cost of vacant space and the cost of development projects in the retail sector.
- The fair value of the property holdings was set at SEK 29.1 billion (27.8 at the turn of the year), resulting in a net asset value of SEK 105 per share (100 at the turn of the year).
- The equity ratio was 58 per cent (57), the net loan-to-value ratio was 19 per cent (21) and the interest coverage ratio multiple was 8.9 (8.4).
- Consolidated net revenue amounted to SEK 822 million (826).
- The rental vacancy level at the period-end was 6.3 per cent (5.6 at the turn of the year). Excluding projects in progress, the rental vacancy level was 5.1 per cent (5.2 at the turn of the year).
Stockholm, August 20, 2015
Ivo Stopner
Appendix: Half-year Report January – June 2015
The information in this Interim Report is information that Hufvudstaden AB (publ) is obliged to publish according to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instrument Trading Act. The information was published on August 20, 2015.
Questions can be answered by Ivo Stopner, President, or Magnus Jacobson, Head of Finance, telephone +46 (0)8-762 90 00.
Half-year Report January-June 2015.pdf