• Profit for the year after tax amounted to SEK 1,333.9 million (771.4). The increase can be attributed mainly to unrealized changes in value in the property holdings. • Profit per share was SEK 6.47 (3.74). • The board proposes an ordinary dividend of SEK 1.45 per share (1.30). • The fair value of the property holdings was set at SEK 16.3 billion at the turn of the year (15.0), equivalent to a net asset value per share of SEK 53 (50). • Net sales for the Group for comparable holdings amounted to SEK 1,344.5 million (1,336.0) • The rental vacancy level at the period-end was 7.1 per cent (8.2) Stockholm, February 9, 2006 HUFVUDSTADEN AB (publ) The Board Appendix: Year-end Report 2005 For further information, please contact Ivo Stopner, CEO, or Magnus Jacobson, CFO, telephone +46 8-762 90 00.
Year end Report 2005Increased profit for Hufvudstaden
• Profit for the year after tax amounted to SEK 1,333.9 million (771.4). The increase can be attributed mainly to unrealized changes in value in the property holdings. • Profit per share was SEK 6.47 (3.74).• The board proposes an ordinary dividend of...