Financial objectives

In our task of providing shareholders, analysts and investors with a true picture of Hufvudstaden's business model and financial position, we endeavour to maintain an open dialogue based on clarity, availability and reliability.
"The share shall have good dividend 
growth over time."

The financial objectives is that the share shall have good dividend growth over time, that the dividend shall account for more than half of the net profit from current operations and that the equity ratio shall amount to at least 40 per cent over time.

  • For 2023, the dividend is SEK 2.70 per share (2.70), equivalent to a total of SEK 546 million, which corresponds to 61 per cent of the net profit from current operations.
  • The equity ratio exceeded 40 per cent at the end of 2023 and amounted 59 per cent.

Net profit and dividend share

Dividend growth

Åsa Roslund

CFO and Head of Finance

+46 8 762 90 25

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Anders Nygren

President and CEO

+46 8 762 90 00

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