Hufvudstaden’s corporate culture is marked by strong involvement on the part of employees and a clear, broadly accepted set of values. The values are our most important tool in the task of leading and controlling operations towards achieving the Company’s vision and objectives.
The values are also a prerequisite for being able to conduct operations in such a way that they promote corporate social responsibility.
Our core values are attentiveness, honesty, commitment and quality.
We shall provide the quality, which the customer expects within the framework of our business idea. This applies both to our property holdings and the range of services as well as our customer relations and internal collaboration.
We always act professionally and we are reliable. This means that we keep our word and stand by our undertakings.
We are open to impressions from the world around us and our colleagues and we take on board and evaluate new ideas. We are attentive to the needs of our customers and we always endeavour to be one step ahead.
We are proud of our history and our success and we are committed to every aspect of our operations. We view ourselves as an important partner for our customers and we take an active interest in their business and success.