Green Financing Framework

Hufvudstaden has a framework for green financing with the aim to finance green properties and invest in projects promoting climate transition and sustainability.

The framework allows Hufvudstaden to issue green bonds, certificates or bank loan, for financing projects and assets covered by the green bond framework.

The framework is based on Green Loan Principles and has undergone an independent evaluation by S&P Global Ratings, which issued a second opinion with the grade of “Medium Green”.

Green financing documents

Green Bond framework.
S&P Global Ratings.
Link to download the file Second Party Opinion: Hufvudstaden Green Financing Framework.


Investor report 2023
Investerarrapport 2023-12-31 (in Swedish)
Revisorns rapport 2023-12-31(in Swedish)


Åsa Roslund

CFO and Head of Finance

+46 8 762 90 25

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Karl-Johan Wall

Head of Sustainability

+46 8 762 90 36

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