
Below you will find information about Hufvudstaden Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and ongoing evaluation of the guidelines for remuneration.

Audit Committee

The Board has examined the matter of establishment of an Audit Committee but has chosen not to appoint such a committee and will instead handle matters that rest with such a committee within the framework of the ordinary work of the Board of Directors. This means that the whole Board of Directors, perform the duties that rest with an Audit Committee.

Remuneration Committee

The Board of Directors has examined the question of setting up a Remuneration Committee but has opted not to set up such a committee and will instead handle the matter within the framework of the normal work of the Board of Directors. This means that the whole Board of Directors, apart from the President, perform the duties that rest with a Remuneration Committee, including following up and evaluating current programmes and programmes concluded during the year for variable remuneration to executives.