Hufvudstaden reports significant increase in profit and proposes extra dividend

• Profit for the year after tax amounted to SEK 3,423.2 million (1,333.9), equivalent to SEK 16.60 per share (6.47).• The sale of the World Trade Center Stockholm, including management profits, had an impact on profit after tax of SEK 1.1 billion.

• Profit for the year after tax amounted to SEK 3,423.2 million (1,333.9), equivalent to SEK 16.60 per share (6.47).

• The sale of the World Trade Center Stockholm, including management profits, had an impact on profit after tax of SEK 1.1 billion.

• The Board proposes an increase in the ordinary dividend to SEK 1.60 per share (1.45) and in addition an extra dividend of SEK 10.00 per share (0). The total dividend proposed is thus SEK 11.60 per share (1.45).

• The fair value of the property holdings was SEK 17.4 billion at the turn of the year (14.6 for comparable holdings), which gives a net asset value per share of SEK 71 (53).

• Net sales for the Group amounted to SEK 1,152.5 million (1,152.4).

• The rental vacancy level at the period end was 6.5 per cent (7.1).

Stockholm, February 8, 2007


Board of Directors

Appendix: Year-end report 2006

For further information, please contact Ivo Stopner, CEO, and Magnus Jacobson, CFO, telephone +46 8-762 90 00.

Year-end report 2006