Our objective is to contribute to strengthening the competitiveness and brands of our customers by providing the best possible settings.
Hufvudstaden was founded
Total fair value of properties
Hufvudstaden´s holding of real estate
Clear customer focus and attentiveness to the needs and preferences of our customers is one of our most important principles.
Bo Wikare, Acting President
(44.1) Fair value of properties
(1,797) Net revenue, property management
(1,302) Gross profit, property management
(2.6) Rental vacancy rate
(127) Employees
(3.70) Dividend per share
Our office tenants are companies that require high quality and centrally located office premises. Tenants are increasingly seeking greater flexibility and a higher level of service. Hufvudstaden offers turnkey office space in our REDO concept, where everything is ready for rapid move-in.
Retail tenants include Swedish and international companies with high standards for store design and location. The tenants often represent famous brands that are found only in a few selected places.
Development projects are carried out in close cooperation with our tenants. Sustainability is a priority in all aspects of development. There is strong emphasis on improved environmental performance, higher technical standards and efficient, flexible floor plans.